Mark Andy gave its Digital Series a European debut. The Digital Series, launched last year, is a full-colour (CMYK + W) inkjet system with running speeds over 200 fpm (76 m/min). Running alongside was the P4 servo-driven entry-level flexo press, which too got a global launch at Labelexpo.
Steve Schulte, vice president for sales and marketing at Mark Andy, said, “Anything that you can do with flexo you can do with digital.” He added, “Running at 250fpm or 76mtrs/min, it is the fastest press on view,” he claimed.
Schulte also added, that all the components including the development of the digital kit, are designed by Mark Andy. “It’s not a collection of partnerships, but a home grown product,” he said. Schulte though declined to name the printhead that’s under the hood of the digital unit. “Everybody starts judging the digital print capability on the basis of just the printhead, but we believe that there are other significant components that helps the product to perform.”
During the demonstration, three job changes were shown, one including printing with fluorescent inks. The digital press uses Mark Andy’s Pro LED LED-UV inks and is driven by Esko’s workflow.
Mary Sullivan, marketing director for Mark Andy, said, “Digital Series is a true hybrid machine design that provides the highest level of flexibility and productivity while incorporating digital inkjet printing and a variety of other inline printing, decorating and converting, all to provide lowest total cost of label.”
The Performance Series P4, Schulte said, is a brand new design. “It brings all of the Performance Series award winning attributes and technology, but now it is servo-driven and can be configured to accept many styles of traditional or older style plate roll tooling.
On the stand next to Mark Andy’s was the advanced Rotoflex URC 2.0 operating system on the VSI 330 and VLI 440 both servo-driven slitter / rewinder and inspection machines.
Mark Andy has 210 presses, and 61 Rotoflex machines are installed in India.