To what extent has the increase in oil prices affected print?

Tanvi Parekh speaks to a cross-section of industry persons to find out the imapct and measures

14 Jun 2011 | By PrintWeek India


Avinash Kawadkar,
TechNova Imaging Systems
"The petroleum solvent situation is spiralling completely out of control. However, we have implemented initiatives to safeguard the customers from the impact. The recently introduced AmberWash WM, manufactured from imported solvent raw material, has enabled us to offer price stability based on bulk international sourcing. As a catalyst to encourage our customers to change over to ‘greener and safer’ options, we have held back the price increase on aliphatic washes. We have adopted a policy of staggered price revisions equivalent to direct raw material cost increase greater than 5%."

Gajanan Chandavarkar,
Silversheen Inks & Coatings
"Since the past six months, the prices of raw materials have been increasing by almost 10-40 %. The availability of key raw materials like resin and additives has become difficult. In the process, the increase in the manufacturing cost is, to a great extent incorporated by us. We have been able to impose only 8- 10% of it on our customers. This has prompted us to seek bio-degradable options. However, considering the production cost involved, it is difficult to convince the customers to switch."

Mahesh Kode,
DuPont India
"This is unfortunate, but true. If raw material and manufacturing prices rise beyond a price-point and a time-period, any business that wants to remain healthy has to implement a price rise. This sustains both, the individual business and the industry that it supports. The entire industry finally appreciates the market correction that is required and takes appropriate steps. In our business of DuPont Cyrel specifically, the rationale for the price increase stems from raw material price increase which affects us directly."

Gaurav Nema,
Pragati Graphics
"The price hike has not affected the end-user. It is more often incorporated by the printers, one such instance being the paper hike wherein the end-user remained unaffected. As for the hike in the petroleum prices, the crude oil price is stable in the international markets. Hence, only on account of imports will the industry experience the repercussions. We should sought for alternatives for the solvent-based inks but, the shoot up in the prices should not be the only determinant."


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