Insight boosts Indian packaging with Komori HUV
Insight, the New Delhi-based dealer of Komori, is eyeing the packaging market with its Komori HUV printing presses. The company aims to ensure its installed base crosses the double digit mark by the end of the financial year.
22 Oct 2013 | 3034 Views | By Rahul Kumar
Sangam Khanna, director and head of Komori division, Insight Communications, said, "Packaging printing is one of the most growing segments in the graphic art industry and we would like to offer the best solutions to the industry with affordability in terms of buying and operation. Right now we have single digit installation base in the states Gujarat, Rajasthan, West Bengal, Delhi and Maharashtra." Khanna stated, "Insight will be touching double digit, soon."
"The HUV system uses a UV lamp developed with Komori know-how and high-sensitivity UV ink. This system offers high print quality and reliability as well as economic and eco-friendly performance, with just one lamp mounted in the delivery," he added.
Khanna stated, "The highlights of the press are shorter total turnaround time, reduction of stock space and improved quality due to powder less operation are among few advantages of UV curing system."
Khanna showcased a Komori calendar which presented print applications that are possible on a Komori HUV press. The highlights were: the ability of the press to create print products for graphic designers, specialist art producers and photographers. The Komori calendar showcased printing with UV, aqueous and other effects with flawless results; a higher and better colour balance and improved colour space.
Khanna showed PrintWeek India a powerpoint slide which indicated how the HUV can reduce paper waste, save energy, improve the work environment, reduce noise and set new standards for delivering high quality printing and automation that the future will demand.
Komori's key press models are equipped with HUV technology.