Kaygee Loparex accredited with IMS certification

Kaygee Loparex, a manufacturer of silicone coated release liner products, was presented with the IMS certification for its manufacturing unit in Silvassa and the head office in Mumbai by Lyod’s Register Quality Assurance (LRQA).

10 Jan 2014 | By PrintWeek India

The IMS certification covers three management system standards; ISO 9001:2008, for quality management systems; ISO 14001:2004, for environment management systems and OHSAS 18001:2007, for occupational health and safety system.

“The certificate”, according to Manish Jain, CEO at the manufacturing firm, “is one more step in asserting Kaygee Loparex’s long-term commitment to delivering superior, consistent products expected by our customers in a safe and environment-friendly manner.”