KBA reviews sheetfed offset performance at Print Summit

During Print Summit 2023, Sascha Fischer, head of product management, Koenig & Bauer gave a brief of their machines’ characteristics.

16 Feb 2023 | 3024 Views | By Aditya Ghosalkar

“As the industry’s leading provider of sustainable solutions, we help our customers to reduce their ecological footprint. Solutions based on technology that we developed reduce energy consumption, cut waste, and decrease ink and coating consumption, helping to cut CO2 emissions.” said Sascha Fischer.

Fischer highlighted the technology which has been trending at KBA. This included new substrate packages mid format and in large format; VaryDry LED-UV dryers and new UV ink ducts; ErgoTronic AutoRun; QualiTronic Next Generation with PrintCheck and PDFCheck; unbent plates mid and soon large format; new plate changing times in all formats; optimised CX large format including new delivery; dryer and new production speeds; two-step activation of dampening unit; extended gamut printing; Rapida LiveApp family and QualiTronic SheetIdent and many more.

Fischer spoke about shorter makeready and higher speeds as well as safe processes plus less maintenance which has ensured productivity gains thanks to automation features like DriveTronic SPC plus inline coating facilities.

KBA has raised the scale of its sustainability ambitions and goals with a new group strategy and outlined details on how it aims to continue its transformation from a traditional machinery manufacturer to an agile technology.

With its new ‘Exceeding Print’ strategy, the group is aiming to increase even further its efforts to deliver on its ecological, social and community responsibilities. “By 2025, we are aiming to reduce CO2 emissions in our production plants by 75%, and intend to be completely carbon-neutral from 2030 on,” said Fischer.

He highlighted the company’s ongoing digitalisation drive, where digital services are becoming increasingly important for networking machines with each other, collecting and analysing data, and controlling processes efficiently.

Digital printing processes will be a catalyst for new business models. They are assuming that most of the companies that will be their customers in future have not even been founded yet.

“Our ‘Exceeding Print’ strategy allows us to promote sustainability as the greatest challenge that the packaging industry will be facing in future, and uphold our claim to leadership when it comes to digitalisation,” said Fischer.

Transparent, data-supported processes are the starting point for greater efficiency and cost-effectiveness. A high level of automation minimises risks and allows future-oriented customisation of the entire printing processes.

Fischer mentioned about their major machineries such as Rapida 106, VariJET 106, diecutter Drivetronic SIS and about embossing-creasing-stripping uniits which employ unique delivery and blank unit; that require setup time of only 20 and 40 minutes for single and repeated jobs respectively.

The digital transformation of the printing industry has many facets - with well thought-out innovations and tailor-made solutions that go far beyond pure printing. Transparent, data-supported processes are the starting point for greater efficiency and cost-effectiveness. A high level of automation minimises risks and allows future-oriented customisation of the entire printing process.

Tags: Print Summit
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