Komori India extends support its print customers in flood-hit Kerala

A once-in-a-century rain in Kerala, which killed over 350 people and displaced 1.3 million people across the state, has also hit the print and packaging businesses.

29 Aug 2018 | 3206 Views | By Noel D'Cunha

“It’s an unthinkable tragedy that hit Kerala, especially the damages the print fraternity have suffered,” said Sangam Khanna, deputy managing director at Komori India.

Some of the images of print shop-floors at the print plants shared on social media were shocking. Printing presses and allied equipment, furniture, paper stock, printed sheets, jobs ready to be delivered, all lying in pools of water. “Some of the loss appears almost irreparable, and it has moved most of us in the industry,” said Khanna.

In a letter sent to PrintWeek India, Komori India has stated that it stands by with the entire Kerala printing industry at this critical moment. “We have naturally and immediately decided to participate in redeveloping Kerala and stand committed to support our customers to get back to normal working conditions in the shortest possible time wherever we can contribute to,” said Khanna.

Komori India has set up a call centre for the aid for its customers in Kerala. The call centre is operated from Komori India’s Faridabad office and Komori customers needing help can contact +91 9599068152 between 9am to 6pm.

Khanna said, since we do not have unlimited resources in Kerala, we are contacting all our customers one by one. He, however, added, “All our customers under the service contracts will be served without any additional charge. For those who are not, support will be extended only at an operating cost. Machine parts which are to be replaced will be provided at a special rate.”

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