Konica Minolta’s Pravah to sustainably irrigate rural UP

Konica Minolta has successfully implemented the launch of its CSR initiative, Pravah, in partnership with the NGO Manav Vikas Sanstha, on 23 July. This project addressed the pressing issue of water scarcity by constructing check dams in the identified villages of Motipur and Gabbapur Kalan villages of Shravasti district, Uttar Pradesh. These water conservation structures are expected to bring control over water flow and effective utilization of these natural resources, especially during the unpredictable time of rains.

14 Aug 2024 | 2258 Views | By Rahul Kumar

With Pravah, Konica Minolta constructed two check dams to effectively manage rainwater, recharge groundwater levels, improve soil fertility, and enhance the overall quality of life for the region’s residents. By harnessing the power of water conservation, Pravah contributed significantly to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of no poverty, good health and well-being, clean water and sanitation, sustainable cities and communities, responsible consumption and production, and climate action.

Katsuhisa Asari, managing director, Konica Minolta Business Solutions India, said, “Immunising the citizens against climate variability during compromised water availability, can lend them critical support to several people, bereft of access to clean, usable water. With the support of Manav Vikas Sanstha, we have established a water user group, bringing forth a participatory approach and empowering local communities to take ownership of their natural resources, while being the prime beneficiaries of their efforts.”

According to the Sustainability Promotion Department, Konica Minolta Business Solutions India, the project is structured to create sustainable livelihoods for 6,868 people, by boosting groundwater levels through the construction of check dams and new opportunities in organic farming for women. With the multitude of SDGs we fulfil with Pravah, we hope that challenges of water scarcity in Motipur and Gabbapur Kalan see relief and set the tone for a thriving rural life in the identified villages.”

Konica Minolta is working closely the NGO, Manav Vikas Sanstha, local communities, and government agencies to implement Pravah effectively. The project is designed to create a lasting impact by integrating water conservation and sustainable water resources management practices into the region’s development plans.

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