One of the biggest names in the Indian printing ink segment Micro Inks will now be known as Hubergroup India.
The journey of Micro Inks began with Hindustan Inks and Resins in the 1980, in a small plant in Vapi. Since its inception, this plant has gone through many transformations. In its current form it is the manufacturing hub for spot colour pigments and I-bases, UV flushes, ketone and MF resins, and metal driers.
In 2005, Micro inks was acquired by Germany-based Hubergroup, one of the oldest and leading global players in the Industry, but continued to known with the old name.
“Over the last ten years, we have aligned our products, brands, technologies, geographical positions and the management structures to create a unified and well integrated global group,” said Bhardwaj.
Ashwani Bhardwaj, managing director of Hubergroup, stressed that the objective of the move has been to create a common identity in terms of name and corporate logos, after Micro became a part of Hubergroup.
He said, “While the name has changed, our commitment to all our employees, customers, suppliers and other stake holders will stay as high as it always has been. It will be our endeavour to deliver better solutions for our customers and work in a direction for making a difference to the society.”
In March this year, the company launched the Gecko line of flexible packaging inks in India, in what it termed as “an idea of promoting safety first”. Gecko series of ink are aimed at the food packaging segments, and Hubergroup claims it is free of hazardous and toxic chemicals like toluene and ketone.