Mihir's mantras: Some fun with print

Mihir Joshi, besides being a PrintWeek India scribe, is a central defender and supporter of AC Milan. In this article, he states ten print mantras.

03 Dec 2013 | By Mihir Joshi

1. Speed thrills. But the time is ripe for manufacturers to produce machines that run cheaper instead of faster.

2. The time is ripe for paper mills to install solar chips in paper or paperboard; so that it can be printed for free on solar energy.
3. Since everyone uses ROI in their conversation these days, I wish there was a magic wand which somehow made 10-year payback into instant revenue.
4. Point is, technology used to be revolutionary and business used to be evolutionary. Now it's the other way around.
5. If all big print firms could think like small print firms; and all small print firms could have the vision of a big print firm; our industry would be a fab place.
6. A lot of printers - who are in the print business - are no longer calling themselves printers. A new term for printers. Now they are called, client creators.
7. Perhaps we need to create a strong brand in print. Print needs a personality like Mahendra Singh Dhoni to make it a strong brand.
8. The other day a technocrat visited our office and said cross media is the next big thing. But what is cross media? Is it marketing portals? is it web to print? Is it social media? Is it apps? Is it PDFs? What exactly does cross media mean?
9. The other day I heard a young printer say he starts his day late because his make-ready takes time; this is due to a poor workflow; and too many bells and whistles the previous night where he downed hybrid solvents. 
10. When people ask me if print will die? I reply: will talking die, one day? Will conversations, cease? Will accountants make invoices of chats and will people be billed for chit-chat?