Naph Graphics promotes its Koncept web press

Noida-based web offset printing presses manufacturer, Naph Graphics, is promoting its Koncept web offset printing press at Pamex 2013.

15 Nov 2013 | By Rahul Kumar

Mohit Bansal, director marketing, Naph Graphics, said, “Koncept is an advanced version of our earlier product with additional features and benefits in terms of reduced wastage, space saving, ease of operation and consistent improved performance output.”
“We had launched Koncept in January 2009. It was aimed for the global market, specifically for the printers who thrive for advancement and value addition,” he further added.
Being a customised machine, it is a compact printing press with underneath reel stand and that too with same height. Features like more staggered cylinders, operator side RCR’s and side movements individually on each plate cylinders, high capacity ink ducts, more space to work makes it more operator friendly, provide ease in wastage reduction and gives optimum output with reduced space.
“Although flexo printing and digital printing is emerging as latest trend across the globe but still offset printing has lot of scope in India,” Bansal further added.
On the future of the industry Bansal said, “Although there is a consistent growth in terms of technology but there are many factors creating trouble in printing industry. Increase in paper and raw material cost, equipment and labour cost is playing a major role for slowing down the growth rate.”