Indore-based Navin Digitech has installed Madhya Pradesh’s first Canon Imagepress C800 at one of its four locations. For Navin Digitech too, it’s a first Canon press, with the other four being Xerox presses, a Color 1000, two Docucolor 252, and Docucolor 500.
“We opted for the Imagepress C800 because in its category, we believe it’s the best,” said Jagdish Wadhwani. “The machine’s ability to handle different substrates including heavy textured paper, recycled paper and also envelopes, opens up a wider range of applications for us.”
Established in three decades ago as Navin Photocopy, Navin Digitech is managed by Wadhwani and his four brothers, Kaushal, Narendra and Navin. Besides specialising in digital printing, the company also offers pre-press, design and signage services. For its pre-press services it is equipped with FFEI’s Alinte and uses TechNova platesetter, which produces around 200+ plates per day. In the wide-format segment, it has three DGI printers for outdoor signage; four HP and two Epson printers for indoor signage.
In terms of business, for Navin Digitech 25% is digital cut-sheet, 20% is wide-format and the rest comes from pre-press and design services.
Wadhwani said, the Imagepress C800, placed at the centre will bolster the operation there, as the Xerox Docucolor 5000, was aging. “Though we print around 3000 copies per day at the four centres, some prints are taken for proofing purposes and niche work like photobooks and coffee tablebooks. The new Colour Vivid toner of the C800 produces brighter and sharp images, while the banner mode helps produce those long sheets for niche works,” said Wadhwani.
According to Wadhwani there are around 15 digital print players in Indore doing a print volume of 15,000+ copies per day. He sees great potential for digital printing in Indore. “The awareness for digital print is growing and we are hopeful that the demand for digital print will increase. I would say, we are well equipped to meet the growing demand in the city of Indore,” he said.
Puneet Datta, director, professional printing division, Canon India, said, “MP is one of our new focus areas and Indore being the financial hub, who could have been better choice than Navin Digitech to start a business in the city. For us at Canon, we have always looked at defining new rules and changing the games as we go. The volume trend in Indore is an indicator of growth, and the C800 at Navin Digitech is all about delivering high quality print jobs at profitable prices.”