Online training programme for printing teachers

With education institutes still shut and online teaching becoming the order of the day, Avinashilingam Institute’s SoE and PVG’s COET are organising a five-day faculty development programme on online teaching tools and techniques for printing & packaging from 22 to 26 June 2020 to make educators more conversant with online pedagogy.

19 Jun 2020 | By PrintWeek Team

Avinashilingam University, Coimbatore and PVG College of Engineering and Technology, Pune

According to TKS Lakshmi Priya, head, printing technology, Avinashilingam Institute and Madhura Mahajan, head, printing engineering, PVG’s COET, the faculty development programme has been planned meticulously with many interesting and need-of-the hour topics, delivered by academicians, jointly with industry and media persons in the industry.

The programme is open for faculty members of engineering and diploma colleges, who teach printing and allied courses. Trainers in the printing and allied industries can also participate.

The sessions are planned to be participatory, non-monotonous and entertaining, with some quizzes, hands-on and assignments. A range of online teaching-learning platforms/ tools will be used during the programme so that participants can experience them before applying / using them in their online teaching mode.

Two webinars are scheduled each day (10.00-11.30 am and 2.00-3.30 pm) and attendance will be marked. Certificates will be awarded to participants upon completion of activities.

For details, click here.