Paper Day message from Rohit Pandit of IPMA
On the occasion of Paper Day on 1 August, Rohit Pandit, secretary-general, Indian Paper Manufacturers Association (IPMA), says:
01 Aug 2022 | 2932 Views | By Rohit Pandit
Paper is an integral part of the daily lives of people. Paperboard/ packaging is crucial for almost all goods, especially all kinds of essential goods, FMCG, pharmaceuticals, food products, soaps, milk cartons, hygiene products, etc. Tissue paper helps in improving the hygienic conditions and is used in all health-conscious institutions/ areas like hospitals, etc.
Similarly, writing & printing paper is essential for labels, pharmaceutical inserts, etc, apart from all educational institutes.
A myth has been perpetuated in the form of the save paper, save environment motto. In fact, few industries in India can match the sustainability quotient that paper offers, despite the false campaigns by vested interests.
Paper is fully biodegradable and recyclable and is produced from sources that are renewable and sustainable.
Increased use of paper can also address the two most important global environment concerns of disposal of eWaste and single-use plastic. The paper industry has, therefore, struck a fine balance between growth and sustainability.
Innovation is the new frontier in the paper industry. Modern life is made possible with versatile paper coming to our rescue in a variety of forms.