Pavan Aggarwal of Naini emphasises paper growth

Pavan Aggarwal, CMD of Naini Papers and president of IPMA said “The paper industry professionals live in exciting times” and the time is most-opportune for paper. Aggarwal delivered a keynote speech at the 63rd AGM and Conference of the Federation of Paper Traders’ Association of India (FPTA) in Goa. Aggarwal underscored the importance of sustainable paper production.

27 Sep 2024 | By Noel D'Cunha

Pavan Aggarwal: There is a huge potential for India to manufacture speciality paper

Aggarwal, who began his presentation with a quote from Maithili Sharn Gupt and ended it with a phrase from Faiz said, "Plastic is the menace and paper is the only solution to the environmental deterioration.” He said, “Paper is a 100% sustainable product, because we use three types of raw materials: wood pulp, agricultural residues, and waste paper making it biodegradable, compostable, and recyclable.” He said, paper is a valuable asset to the GoI initiatives such as achieving 100% literacy and promoting a Clean India.”

Aggarwal said, the paper fraternity needs to increase India's current recycling which is less than 50% to the global average of 74%-75%. He said, if the trade focuses on innovation within the paper value chain, India can achieve similar recycling rates.

Addressing the need for quality control and quality assurance, Aggarwal highlighted the importance of paper specifications. “Also, there is a huge potential for India to manufacture speciality paper that meets customer requirements. He said this would reduce the reliance on imported over-specified paper.”

Aggarwal underscored the significance of engaging with stakeholders for sustainable growth. “Can we ensure that the paper specifications are being deployed correctly,  he asked, citing an example from a European mill that uses high-pedigree pulp to produce high-quality kraft. “This kraft, which is imported to India, is over-engineered. We must consider manufacturing this paper in India and adjusting its properties to the requirements of the Indian market.”

He extolled the 850 FPTA delegates to engage with the customer and paper mill. The key is to continuously communicate with the customers and to visit the paper mill at least twice a year. By doing so, we can understand the plant's developments, products, and capacities and develop innovative products.

Highlighting paper’s potential, he said, paper is a good alternative to environmentally hazardous products. His message to the gathering, “Our products and raw materials are environmentally friendly, and we are committed to environmentally friendly processes.”

Furthermore, Aggarwal stressed the potential of non-manufacturing avenues within the paper industry, presenting diversification and converting lines as new opportunities for the paper trader.

Spotlighting environmental conservation, Aggarwal advocated replacing single-use plastic with paper-based solutions. “The industry has to commit itself to engaging with key sectors to develop innovative fibre-based packaging, with the potential to replace the humongous tonnes of plastic.”