Picture Gallery: Celebrating the best of print: PrintWeek India's The 1000

PrintWeek India's The 1000 - exclusively powered by Xerox - is a comprehensive list of the firms who adhere to the 5P test: Printability - Profitability - Performance - Progressiveness - Popularity.

22 Jan 2013 | By PrintWeek India

The 1000 is a celebration of the best, biggest and the most innovative of the Indian print industry. It is a compilation of trendsetting print firms from all over the country. These are business leaders in the vibrant, diverse, and ever dynamic Indian print industry.

The 1000 was unveiled in Mumbai by Lord Michael Heseltine, ex Deputy Prime Minister of UK.

This special guide is being circulated among print buyers, brand managers and top firms and ad agencies.

To book a copy of The 1000, please contact: Anish Zachariah +91 9702 062 671.

Click here to view the PrintWeek India's The 1000 picture gallery