The potential upside of winning PWI Awards

As the Award season draws closer, many of our printer friends wonder: Is entering awards worth my while, what is it that award winners do; what is it that they don't, and how do I do what I do to stand a chance of beating the competition?

19 Jun 2014 | 2466 Views | By PrintWeek India

And an undercurrent thought is consistent – what if I win and what if I don’t?
Overwhelmed? Don't care a fig's leaf?
Many of the print firms have bagged the top spot and that's because they have entered the contest. You stand a chance to win only if you are part of the contest.
In the last five years of PrintWeek India Awards, we have observed that the one thing that holds the printers back from participating is lack of time to go through the entry process. It's true especially when most of the businesses are one man or top down operations. However, I must say that the time spent entering an awards contest can be more than an investment than a cost.
The entry process, which can be very rigorous, means you select four best print jobs out of the hundreds that you produce each day. It enables you to zoom out and adopt a new perspective on your business, encouraging you toidentify your overarching strategic strengths and weaknesses.
Last month, when I was in Germany, I met a co-owner of a label machine manufacturer. According to a survey done by his company, wherein it studied 26 parameters that define the performance of a printing plant, the highest rated parameter was operator motivation.
The jury round is a sort of benchmarking process and it is more significant when the jury consists of none other than print buyers themselves that is your potential customers.
Last but not the least, don't assume it will be only the big companies who win the awards.  In the past five editions, awards have been won by businesses which have a truly original concept or have created genuine masterpieces- for their size, circumstances or sector.
Feeling motivated? The PrintWeek India Awards with And there are six Performance and 21 Quality categories, is now open for entries until 27 June 2014. 



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