Pragati boosts print quality verification with Baldwin's Guardian PQV

Pragati Graphics and Packaging, one of Central India’s most advanced packaging companies, has taken another large step forward in ensuring perfect print quality to its customers and brand owners.

14 May 2021 | 1164 Views | By Rahul Kumar

After positive results with Baldwin Vision Systems’ Guardian OLP offline proofing and inspection, Pragati increased its print quality capabilities by adding the inline Guardian PQV 100% print inspection.

Guardian PQV, which can inspect all types of materials and substrates, enables printers to eliminate every defect with a more efficient, accurate, data-connected workflow. The system provides unique ‘object-based inspection’ throughout the entire printing process — ensuring tighter tolerances and fewer false defects. Areas of interest on the printed substrate can be defined for enhanced or reduced levels of inspection. Operators can easily spot errors and make adjustments in real time, as well as manage defects throughout the entire process. Defect positions and images are recorded and can be accessed at multiple post-press processes.

“Besides helping our operators find and remove even small defects quickly,” said Rajesh Nema, Pragati’s executive director, “the Guardian PQV system is also very powerful in helping monitor our processes to prevent defects from occurring in the first place.”

He added, “We have been very happy with the increased productivity achieved after installing the OLP offline inspection system. After speaking about the performance of the inline Guardian PQV system with Shreedhar Labels, we saw the potential to improve our print quality and our productivity even more. We are now very pleased to see the benefits and efficiencies of connected communication between the two systems — offline and inline. We are the first company in India to use the two technologies in this way.”

Ahmedabad-based Shreedhar Labels achieved a ‘zero rejection’ level of print quality after installing India’s first Guardian PQV inline technology in February 2021.

Raj Rana, regional sales manager for Baldwin Vision Systems, said, “Pragati Graphics is at the leading edge of delivering the highest print quality for their customers. Their eagerness to deploy the latest technology puts them in a good position to refine efficiency of their operations and increase profits.”

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