Print CEOs to chair panel discussions at Print Summit
The Indian print industry's biggest conference will boast of top CEOs hosting the panel discussions.
21 Jan 2012 | By PrintWeek India
This includes: Maneck Davar of Spenta Multimedia who will be the chairperson for the high-octane session: Leaders and Impact-makers. While Mehul Desai of Mail Order Solutions and Iqbal Kherodawala of Printline Reproduction will be chairing the session: Niche: Small is beautiful. Ramesh Kejriwal and Sidharth Kejriwal of Parksons Packaging will chair the "must-attend" session with print buyers and customers.
The Kejriwals hope to find out why the print outlook among top brands; as well as how and why print remains an investment priority for The 500 firms. And finally tech-guru Steven Schnoll will interact with top vendors who are showcasing their wares at Drupa 2012.
As Fred Poonawala, the chairman of Print Summit 2012 said: "Unlike regular presenters, this will be a well-informed discussion. You simply cannot buy this wealth of industry experience."
Poonawala added: "The aim of the panel discussions is to raise the benchmark within our industry. We hope to highlight case studies and gather best practices for implementation from printers across India. During the panel discussion you will learn about ROI and cost of cash. Also the discussions will cover some of the top tips and lessons learned for managing a print project.
Delegates will come away with a better understanding of not only what they should do, but also why they should do it. Some of the facts will be very surprising."
The sixth edition of the two day Print Summit will be of particular interest to:
- Print CEOs of print who want to learn how to optimise productivity and boost profits
- Print CEOs who want to get a better idea of what to look out for at Drupa 2012
- Print CEOs will get to network with their peers and key print buyers
BMPA's Print Summit 2012
When: 23 February (Thursday) and 24 (Friday) 2012
Where: NCPA, Mumbai
Knowledge Partner PrintWeek India
Title Associates Max Flex & Imaging Systems and Xerox India
Associate Sponsor Micro Inks
Key Supporters Grafica Flextronica, Messe Dusseldorf, SOTC Trade Fairs and Welbound Worldwide
In addition to the two-day conference at NCPA, BMPA along with PrintWeek India have arranged plant visits to Mumbai-based award winning print firms (open to out-of-Mumbai delegates only). Limited seats. Sign up today!