Print Mart adds two Konica Minolta engines

Print Mart has a total of 28 outlets in North India and a team strength of 180 employees. Pooja Mahesh spoke to founders Harish Setia and Atul Bhatt of Print Mart in New Delhi. The reason? Upgrading of Konica Minolta’s engines to 120 PPM. After the addition of the two C12000 Cypress engines, Print Mart’s production capacity has almost doubled.

21 Oct 2022 | 11512 Views | By Pooja Mahesh

Almost everyone who is anyone in Delhi knows Print Mart if they have a POD. The company also provides digital print and enhancement services to top clients in the advertising, packaging, label, and publishing verticals. 

Print Mart was founded in 2013 by Harish Setia and Atul Bhatt. Later, Kapil Setia (the elder brother of Harish Setia) and Vikas Bhatt  (the younger brother of Atul Bhatt) joined in 2016 and 2018 respectively as directors. The company has been growing at the rate of 15-20 % per annum, largely due to its association with Konica Minolta. This translates into 30 colour production engines, three MGI machines, and six mono engines from Konica Minolta.

Founder Atul Bhatt says, "Earlier, we were using 100 ppm engines of Konica Minolta that we slowly upgraded to 120 PPM engines from Konica Minolta. Post the addition of two C12000 Cypress engines from Konica Minolta, our production capacity has almost doubled." Bhatt added, "We can feel a huge difference in production capabilities and are able to accept more jobs on a daily basis."

This translates into a total of 28 Print Mart outlets in North India with 180 employees. Each outlet can deliver pre-press, printing and finishing from 10 am to 8 pm. Most jobs (the Print Mart team calls it project) is through email or pen drives. After that, the project is shared with computer designers who process all the work as per the requirement.

Bhatt says, "In pre-printing, we have the ability to process our tasks with speed and dexterity. In the post-press process, we offer the best-in-class service along with the benefit of a machine that increases the grammage. We can proudly say that Print Mart's expertise is in the post-production arena."

Patparganj and Kotla Mubarakpur get a Cypress
Print Mart is in the news because of the installation of the Konica Minolta Cypress C12000 at Patparganj and Kotla Mubarakpur. Bhatt says, "In today’s time, everyone knows about digital printing technology. So, the customers have demands to get their work done at the earliest because of the market demand and the speed of the machine and we can say that we have a complete range of printing equipment."

Bhatt says, "Before the investment, we were doing multiple shifts. Later when we started investing in Konica Minolta engines we had more productivity in less time."

The Konica Minolta USP according to Bhatt is, "The long association with Konica Minolta." He adds, "The production capabilities, quality, and paper versatility of this machine has attracted my attention. Also, the capability of printing on 450 GSM was a deal clincher."

The new system has a variety of supported media, from thin to thick paper (up to 450 g/m2), embossed paper, envelopes, as well as polyester and cut-sheet labels. It prints on long sheets of up to 1300 mm, or 900 mm in duplex. With the Intelligent Quality Care Unit, the operators can achieve the desired print quality. Plus the setup time has been reduced drastically, thereby giving Print Mart maximum uptime and plus the freedom to combine with various inline finishing capabilities.

Bhatt states, "After using the Konica Minolta’s equipment, we are much-more productive in less time. Our production has increased 1.5X. This was not possible earlier." He continues, "We are saving on everything be it manpower, wastage, and downtime and the credit goes to Konica Minolta’s C12000 machine which has turned out to be a very reliable product. One major advantage is the power requirement in KM engines is lower than other engines, therefore a huge amount of electricity cost is saved."

The IQ-501 provides extensive automation for image position and registration on the one and colour control on the other hand. Furthermore the new media sensor automatically detects the type, weight, thickness and surface of each paper quality proposing the appropriate substrate from the paper catalogue – all designed to reduce operator time and print wastage while increasing productivity.

Bhatt concurs. He says, "The Konica Minolta Controllers have been amazing and operator friendly. Whether it is imposition or colour correction this software has supported us."

Konica Minolta’s handholding in Delhi
Bhatt shares insights about popular digital print destinations in Delhi. He says, "Saying one or two most popular print destinations will be unfair. This is because Print Mart has a number of outlets all over NCR and every location has its own unique application with a certain set of customers." For example, in Chawri the Print Mart team is capable of handling invitation and wedding cards. Whereas in Pitampura, the Print Mart sees print embellishment at its peak.

Last year, Print Mart invested in a MGI Jetvarnish 3D One and a AccurioShine 101 embellishment printer. Bhatt says, "We are seeing a huge demand amongst the customers for print embellishment." That’s why Print Mart has installed three MGIs. Bhatt says, "We are now working as a hub model from Pitampura and Chawri Bazar. The Delhi-based customers are very aware of digital printing."

Bhatt highlights Konica Minolta’s role in handholding Print Mart’s investment in terms of inputs on the configuration to opt for, after-sales services like prompt installation, training and continued support and assurances. He says, "The after-sales support from Konica Minolta has been a major factor in our expansion plans right from the beginning. The after-sales support has been impeccable and prompt."

Now, Print Mart company would like to grow in all facets of digital printing. "Short-run luxury packaging in segments like cosmetics, food, liquor, and perfume is growing, and we aim to bank on this opportunity. Also, we would like to integrate the right workflow to build synergies into production and customer interface. Our focus area is to create more applications in different business verticals," Bhatt signs off.

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