Tenders are invited by the Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi, for printing and supplying of answer scripts from authorised security manufacturers and printers.
The amount of earnest money deposit, including security deposit, is Rs 1,00,000. An estimated cost of work put to tender is Rs 85,00,000. Interested parties should submit bid on or before 24 April by 4:00pm.
All tender details are made available on the e-procurement website www.eproc.karnataka.gov.in
UP tourism directorate invites tender for printing booklets
The Uttar Pradesh directorate of tourism invites tender from authorised and reputed publishing firms in India for printing and publishing coffee table book and A-Z booklet.
Tenderers should be from bonafide global publishing firms in India with sufficient resources for developing content and high definition photographs. The coffee table booklet will primarily capture art, culture, people and heritage of Uttar Pradesh while the A-Z booklet will be the state’s guide book.
Forms worth Rs 500 are available on all working days from 10:00am to 3:00pm till 27 April, which is also the closing day for tender submission. The tender form may also be downloaded from the website www.uptourism.gov.in
Tender for braillers invited by NIVH
The National Institute for the Visually Handicapped (NIVH) India has invited tenders from interested manufacturers and authorised vendors for procurement of 75 braillers.
NIVH invites online tenders through e-procurement portal in twin bid system which includes techno commercial bid and price bid. The brailler should comply with a specification of 25 lines with 42 cells on an 11x11.5 inches sheet of paper, including dust cover and wooden eraser.
The last date of submitting the bid is 6 May, upto 3:00pm. The tender document is available on the Institute’s website www.nivh.gov.in, www.ua.nic.in, cppp-nic@nic.in and http://eprocure.gov.in for download.
SPMCIL invites tender for label printing and application system machines
Currency Note Press, a unit of SPMCIL, has invited sealed tenders for procurement of three automatic label printing and application system on Cutpak and Numeropak finishing machines with earnest money deposit of Rs 3,00,000.
Eligible tenderers may obtain tender documents by payment of a non-refundable amount of Rs 500 through cheque or demand draft in favour of SPMCIL, Unit CNP, payable at Nashik, or can download the document from the SPMCIL website www.spmcil.com.
The last date for tender submission is 26 May, upto 3:00pm. All other details are available on their website.