PrintPack 2019: Kodak’s growth engines – Sonora, Prosper, Flexcel, Prinergy

Kodak’s PrintPack agenda revolves around its four growth engines Sonora, Prosper, Flexcel and software solutions.

07 Jan 2019 | 8338 Views | By Abhishek Muralidharan

Kodak’s PrintPack agenda revolves around its four growth engines Sonora, Prosper, Flexcel and software solutions.

Hersh Lulla, deputy manager - marketing, Kodak India, said, “A printer visiting the Kodak booth at PrintPack India 2019 will be able to experience leading print technologies that deliver quality and productivity in output, while also unlocking a host of benefits towards sustainability and profitability. With a diverse set of solutions, Kodak can help print business owners diversify their business and grow in today’s competitive business environment.”

In offset pre-press, Kodak will present CTP portfolio along with a wide gamut of printing plates, with a special focus on Sonora process-free plates. In flexographic pre-press, Kodak will present the Kodak Flexcel NX solution. In workflow solutions, Kodak will focus on Prinergy Cloud. Kodak will also highlight the Kodak NexPress digital printing platform and its Prosper inkjet imprinting inkjet technology.

“The Indian printing sector is a bright spot of growth and innovation in the global print market and we see strong growth potential in the near future as print and packaging business owners continue to make investments in the latest technologies,” added Lulla.

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