PrintPack 2019: Printools bags eight deals for their newly-launched HB Binder R-6
With a comparatively quiet 2018 focused largely on research and bringing out new products to the market, Bengaluru-based Printools Corporation has launched their first six-clamp fully automatic perfect binder HB Binder R-6.
05 Feb 2019 | 9026 Views | By Sriraam Selvam
“The market, we believe, is moving towards production and this is a high speed machine which would fit right into their scheme of things,” said NA Daivik, managing director, Printools Corporation.
The R-6 is fully automatics and works at a maximum speed of 2,000 books per hour at a maximum cover size of 440×510-mm and minimum size of 150×220-mm.
“The machine is fully capable of maintaining high volumes of production and maintain the best of quality throughout,” said Daivik.
At 21, he would be the youngest entrepreneur in the whole show but he exudes confidence in his products and his team to bring home a successful 2019.
“I must say we have a winner in our hands with the R-6 and also the hybrid single clamp R1 which will soon become a must-have for any mid to high production digital print unit who produce anywhere between 1,500 to 4,000 books per day,” explained Daivik.
The R1 which is said to be a heavy duty perfect binder can be configured from a minimum length of 50-mm to a maximum length of 610-mm and produce at an average speed of 700-cycles/hour.
“Most of the perfect binders available for the digital print segment have maximum speeds of less than 500-cycles/hour whereas ours can fit the high production digital house and equally an offset unit too thereby we call it a hybrid model which also opens a new segment for us,” said Daivik.
The company has also recently acquired Bengaluru-based Royalbound who manufactured India's first fully automatic four clamp perfect binder.
“We are happy with this acquisition and we will continue to produce the four clamp binders, Royalbound’s flagship product,” explained Daivik.
Talking about the participation in PrintPack, he said, “This has been a happy launch for us with the feedback from the market being extremely encouraging. Also, we have been hearing that this is one of the best looking perfect binder that visitors have seen. We have set ourselves an overall 100 machine target for 2019 and PrintPack has been the right spring board for us to start this journey,” he concluded.