PrintWeek Awards 2022: NRC Mani of Nutech Print Services wins Frontline Team Member during Covid-19

As an entire segment of the business sat idle, there were some like Nutech Print Services, which were able to overcome the disruptions, dig deep into their resources, including human resources, to resume their activities, soon after the announcement of the first lockdown in the last week of March 2020.

02 Nov 2022 | 3106 Views | By PrintWeek Team

Nutech Print Services specialises in book printing and high-end commercial print production. 

With high-quality export commitment on the line, any downtime would amplify issues that had been brought on by the pandemic. NRC Mani, general manager plant operation and Som Parkash, senior manager, print production at Nutech under the remote guidance of managing partner Ravi Shroff devised a plan of action that allowed operations to resume in a time-bound and Covid-safe environment.

“Mani was solely responsible for turning the Nutech plant into a self-contained and isolated unit,” said Shroff of his general manager. “He arranged for comfortable bedding, a caterer on site, and other amenities for the welfare of workers and staff present in the plant.”

Shroff added, “Som Parkash assembled a skeleton crew of essential workers to ensure operations continue, and kept the staff motivated and morale high. This ensured minimal disruption to business operations at Nutech.” More importantly, Shroff added, it ensured zero Covid-19 cases at the plant during the lockdown.

For his tireless work round the clock, which ensured that the unit had the resources available to function during the harshest phases of the lockdown, and personally delivered supplies to ensure that work did not come to a stop, Shroff has nominated Mani for the Frontline Team Award. And while Parkash has moved on after a decade of service at Nutech, Shroff has added his name to the Frontline Team Award, for his grit, passion and hard work in rising up to the challenge when the organisation needed it the most.

The PrintWeek Awards judges concurred with Shroff’s nominations.


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