PrintWeek India’s inaugural Book Special to be launched in August
PrintWeek India is publishing a 116-page document - Book Special - about the Indian publishing industry. The special publication is aimed at print and publishing fraternity. Besides the marquee names and the big five of publishing, the Book Special has interviews with 36 trade and specialist publishers who have "kept their wits about them" in the face of major changes in the publishing landscape.
20 Jul 2013 | By Mihir Joshi
PrintWeek India’s Book Special is a comprehensive compilation of publishers, ranging from multinational publishing houses to independent publishers, publishers of fiction to educational publishers. Some of the major publishers who have contributed in the Book Special are Thomas Abraham (Hachette), Sukumar (HarperCollins), Vikas Gupta (Wiley), Vijay Sampath (ACK), M A Sikandar (National Book Trust) and Gautam Padmanabhan (Westland).
The print partner for Book Special is Manipal Technologies, who has extended unconditional support for the project and shall print 4,000 copies. The two sponsors for the publication are: HP and Welbound Worldwide.
The copies will be distributed to major publishers, and to the CEOs of the top book print firms in India besides being made available at important Indian and international book shows and seminars.
To ensure you receive a copy, please subscribe to PrintWeek India. For further information,