PrintWeek India eBulletin stands strong at the 11,000 plus mark
PrintWeek India passed a major milestone in 2012, when the number of subscribers to our email bulletins passed the 11,000 mark.
27 Dec 2012 | By PrintWeek India
That means the number of people getting our email eBulletin has surpassed our print circulation. It should surpass it before the year is out. What’s heartening about this online surge is that it reflects 100% organic growth. One way or another, people have come across PrintWeek India and chosen off their own accord to sign up for our eBulletin.
While online publishing is clearly a focus, fear not: our commitment to our print edition remains unwavering. We send our copies to 350 cities and most of these cities are still not connected.
But with more and more people getting their news online, we have had to revisit what content we publish in print. Our team is concerned that our readers feel a bit peeved if they open the monthlyPWI magazine and see stories they have already read online. We spoke to a number of leaders of industry and the most common concern was about duplication of content between print and online.
You might think the solution is obvious – don’t reprint any stories from the web. But that would ignore the data. Our figures show that even the most well-read news story is only seen by a minority of the readers who make up our 10,500-plus print circulation (not to mention the thousands more who read PrintWeek India copies passed around the office or on the shopfloor).
Meeting the conflicting needs of all our different readers is a charge we take seriously. That’s why we have refreshed the magazine. Many more case-studies and special supplements; plus special guests like Kiran Prayagi, Sundeep Agarwal and Faheem Agboatwala who are penning columns.We’ve also bolstered our Events section, a timeline of the top trade shows in India. Plus tweaked the Indian manufacturer section, to acknowledge the great things Indian entrepreneurs are doing in their industrial factories of Ludhiana and Coimbatore.
You might also notice the new addition of online activity in our super-popular Picture Gallery series on Saturdays which averages 2,000 hits per week. This is just a tiny sample of the interactions taking place across PrintWeek India' social networks: LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. I encourage you to jump online and join one or all of our communities. The services are there for you, to engage with your peers and share your views.
The point of all this (beyond a bit of self-promotion) is to stress that we are always striving to ensure print is a relevant and dynamic communication medium. I trust we’re not alone.
Please sign in to our eBulletins; or ensure your colleagues and associates are equally connected.