PrintWeek India January issue out now
The latest edition of PrintWeek India is out now. The 84-page January issue has the sheetfed industry in the limelight.
12 Jan 2016 | By PrintWeek India
This includes a five page survey of the segment plus a first-hand reference and comparison of the available sheetfed offset machines available in the market with RMGT, Komori, Heidelberg, Shinohara and Manroland case-studies.
In this issue, Multivista Global, the Chennai-based book printing major shares its story of survival and impressive growth with Ramu Ramanathan of PrintWeek India.
A little ahead, the story Sanket Avlani's Taxi Fabric unfolds. Taxi Fabric creates exclusive theme-based designs for the seat covers and ceilings of Mumbai’s omnipresent kaali-peeli taxis.
Printed seat covers seem kool but what is it that the next gen thinks about print in this digital age? Do they recognise print? What's their best printed job? A bunch of 30, from students, to working professionals respond to all fun things about print.
And then there is a listing of all the events which need to be lauded in 2016; top shows in and around the world.
Additionally, reviews of products from Zund and Swift, update from publishing house Sage India and other news and features together will make it a great read...
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