PrintWeek India PUR-Book Maker of the Year 2014

Winner of PUR-Book Maker of the Year Award is...

30 Sep 2014 | By PrintWeek India

Pragati Offset (Hyderabad)
Tel: +91 40 2338 0000 /

Pragati Offset has been head and shoulders above the competition in PUR Book Maker of the Year Award category. This is their third straight win in this category. Pragati Offset’s submissions of Asian Paints Royale Play-Special Effect Paint, Pramukh-Aranya, Trix-LED Spectrum catalogue and IIID-Awards magazine were so good that it was one of the categories where the jury verdict was unanimous. The judges were looking for the finest implementation of PUR hotmelt adhesive. The parameter used to pick the winners were durability, minimal wrinkling on the backbone and lay-flat quality. Pragati’s samples surpassed everyone on these parameters.

Avantika Printers
Glo Colour Labs
Jak Printers
Lovely Offset Printers
Max Packaging

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