PrintWeek September issue focuses on rising demand for books

Books are back in business. This is the takeaway from the cover story of the September issue of PrintWeek, which proclaims that domestic demand for books has never been so good. The cover story includes an interview with Nilesh Dhankani of Quarterfold Printabilities and a profile on CDC Printers, plus a feature on the JCB Prize longlist.

16 Sep 2022 | 1476 Views | By PrintWeek Team

A rising star of the industry, Nilesh Dhankani, the founder and CEO tells Ramu Ramanathan how the company has added a Hiline double tower web, a 16-page web press, a Komori Lithrone L437 plus a repeat order of a Lithrone GL437 to its press hall; along with Bindwell kit to bolster its post-press line. 

Meanwhile, Manu Choudhury of CDC Printers asserts that there are major growth opportunities in books, packaging, and advertising materials, and the Kolkata-based printer is prepared to take it all in.

The Case Study section highlights how three printers from North India have invested in MGI Jetvarnish to differentiate their product offerings after the pandemic. 

Manish Luthra, managing director, Feather Graphics India, knows what his customers want, and is armed to deliver with an MGI JetVarnish 3DS press. 

Sharp Digital, a digital print specialist in New Delhi, believes that 3D effect embossing provides a sensory feel that is not possible with special colour toner. The team’s expertise is metal effects.

When the dust of the Covid-19 pandemic was settling, Upadhyay Colour Copier found it the best time to invest in MGI JetVarnish and Accurio Shine 101 machines. Six months down the line, it is reaping rich dividends.

PrintWeek attended the New Delhi edition of Media Expo on 1-3 September, and found that with the festival season approaching the OOH segment is optimistic of the future. 

The exhibition this year was smaller compared to the pre-pandemic days, but the products on display and the industry participation was enough to signal an optimistic outlook for the OOH segment.

These and more, plus the regular features in the September issue of PrintWeek.

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