PWI hosts post-Drupa briefing for Ergo India team

PrintWeek India hosted an hour-long session for the Ergo India team on digital and offset trends at Drupa, at PrintWeek India's Pipal conference room.

21 Jun 2012 | By PrintWeek India

The session held today, conducted by Noel Dcunha, deputy editor of PWI along with Sachin Shardul, technical editor provided an insight and analysis on  the technologies at Drupa.

Dcunha said, "Today's print firms understand the shift that is occurring in the market in new markets in b and c-tier cities, but in-plants are lagging behind in terms of digital implementation. Having spoken to some of the major vendors during Drupa, the sense we get is, although there is under-penetration of print firms currently offering digital print services. This number is expected to double (and indeed treble) within the next two years. Also a majority of print firms in India, using more than one digital device is increasing."

"Offset still dominates in Indian printing industry and the print firms are still opting for offset over digital. Although the preferred choice is refurbished presses, but in the past 12 months, more than 330 brand-new sheetfed units have made inroads into Indian printing industry", added Shardul.

Prashant Devatraj, country head of Ergo India, said, "We facilitate and help large companies with procurements and its important for us for stay abreast with the technology." 

He added, "The PWI daily Drupa eBulletins not only helped us understand what's happening in the offset and digital domain but also value-add to the clients."

Summarising the session, Devatraj concluded, "From what we understand, Drupa was a convergence of offset and digital, the hybrid technology. The technological innovations are leading to improved efficiencies, higher print speeds and shorter makereadies."

The meet was attended by a group of 12 which included Devatraj.

Glimpses from the meet. 

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