Raveendra Joshi: PPOA expands printing education mission with Adoptech

Raveendra Joshi, past president of AIFMP and PPOA, shared his reflections on the technological evolution in the field, while kick-starting the second edition of Adoptech. With over 30 years of experience, Joshi reminisced about the progression from traditional printing methods to the current era of digital printing.

24 Aug 2024 | By Noel D'Cunha

Raveendra Joshi: Adoptech signifies a strategic step to propagate printing education

Highlighting the journey, Joshi recalled the significance of typewriters, cyclostyling machines, and the transition to offset printing. He also emphasised the importance of sharing knowledge and fostering progress in the industry.

Joshi said that one of the objectives of the 105-year-old PPOA organization was to impart printing education with its printing school in Pune. “Unfortunately, we could not take the programme ahead, and we had to stop the school.”

However, Joshi outlined their alternative approach of hosting engineering seminars to continue imparting education and knowledge to fellow industry professionals. 

The second edition of Adoptech marks a continuation of PPOA's mission to advance printing education. “Pune is central to many districts in Maharashtra. Adoptech signifies a strategic step by PPOA to uphold and propagate printing education while fostering a sense of community and collaboration within the industry.”