Reports And Accounts Printer Of The Year 2012

The Reports And Accounts Printer Of The Year Award goes to...

28 Aug 2012 | By PrintWeek India

CDC Printers (Kolkata)

Tel: 91-33-2329 8856 /


Parksons Graphics (Mumbai)

Tel: 91-22-6692 4611 / 

Another of the category where the judges have rated the entries of two companies for the Award. CDC Printers of Kolkata and Parksons Graphics, Mumbai.

While Parksons Graphics was the winner of this Award last year, CDC Printers makes a comeback to the Awards arena. Both the companies sent four sets of quality entries.

CDC Printers sent in Report and Accounts of Shyam Steel, Greenply, Dhunseri Petrochem & Tea, and Balrampur Chini Mills while Parksons sent those of Hindusthan National Glass & Industries, Jammu & Kashmir Bank, Responsive Industries, and RSIL.

The judges acknowledged these two companies have understood “the boundless role that aesthetics play” in making the annual reports attractive.

While all the CDC Printers entries were appreciated, the judges made a special mention of the Greenply entry, which asked a question: see something here?... on the cover page and on the next page it had the words: ‘Foresight, Product excellence, Environment friendliness’, all in large font followed by …. ‘all at Greenply’ in small print. According to the judges, this was sustainability in action, with a strong and consistent use of colours, images and typography carried throughout the pages. The print was beautifully handled.

CDC printed the annual reports on its Mitsubishi Diamond 1000 four-colour plus coater and Heidelberg SM 102 four-colour presses.

It was a similar case for Parksons Graphics, whose HNGIL Delux Annual Report whose jacket resembled the metamorphosis of a cocoon into a butterfly. The judges were pleased with the fabrication of the jacket, which opened to reveal a glittering butterfly peeping out of a verbatim die-cut image.

For parksons graphics, this ranks as one of their best work they have done in the annual report business. The company had only three days to turn around the job which had a print run of only 500 but a design that was intricate and needed to be converted into reality with no tolerance for error. And when parksons delivered the annual reports, the client had just one word to say, “unbelievable”.


Jak Printers (Mumbai)
Anderson Printing House (Kolkata)
Thomson Press (Faridabad)
Unik Printers (Mumbai)