Rs 40-crore loss for Balbharati in paper purchase deal
The Maharashtra State Bureau of Textbook Production and Curriculum Research (MSBTPCR), popularly known as Balbharati has run into "a Rs 40-crore loss" as per media reports in the local Marathi press. The loss is due to the purchase of the paper required for textbooks was done at higher rate as compared to the market value.
30 Nov 2013 | By PrintWeek India
According to a specific report in Loksatta (Indian Express Group), "The education board has paid Rs 9,000 to 10,000 extra per tonne while making the purchase".
As per the Balbharti website, every year the education board purchases approximately 35,000 tonnes paper for the inside pages and 5,000 tonnes for the cover. For the year 2014-2015, education board issued a tender in August 2013 for 70 and 80 gsm Creamwove grade paper.
As per the tendering process, the paper companies were confirmed and the board purchased the paper at Rs 55,000 per tonne from these paper companies. When the purchased was done in August 2013, the rate per tonne of the above mentioned grade of paper in the open market was Rs 45,000.
When PrintWeek India contacted the education board, the officials did not respond.