Sachin and Sanjeev's Helpline: Difference between densitometer and spectrophotometer

Sachin Shardul, technical editor and Sanjeev Govekar, production manager of PrintWeek India, track down simple solutions to your technical troubles.

12 Apr 2014 | By PrintWeek India

What is the difference between a densitometer and a spectrophotometer?

Densitometry measures the density of a printed ink. It calculates the difference in brightness between the paper white and print and displays the value as the density. Drawback of densitometer is the fact that colour densities returning identical measurements do not always generate the same colour impression. This phenomenon occurs when the colour substances to be compared differ, eg between proofs or test prints on different paper or using a different ink to the one used in the print run. Unlike densitometry, spectrophotometer works with colour values. For this purpose, the spectrophotometer breaks down the measured colours into their spectra. A colour model is then used to assign a colour value to the measured colour. Each colour value essentially comprises three values that equate to coordinates. This makes it possible to determine each colour precisely in a three-dimensional colour space.