Jammu-based Sethi Art Printers has extended its print portfolio by adding a digital arm to its offset print business. The firm recently installed a Ricoh C5100s, to become the first in the northern state to install digital technology. The digital unit was inaugurated on 30 May, 2015.
Besides the C5100s, Sethi Art Printers’ offset unit is equipped with single-colour Dominant, Swift and Autoprint presses and caters to local needs as well as print requirement of the local University in Jammu.
According to Pankaj Sethi, owner of Sethi Art Printers, the light production entry level Ricoh 5100s is capable of printing at a speed of 65 A4 pages/min at a resolution of 1,200x4,800dpi.
“As a player who specialises in applications like brochure, catalogue, etc, the one feature that I can take advantage of is the machine’s capability of printing long sheets of up to 49-inch in banner printing mode,” said Sethi. He added, “The duplex printing, feeding for which has to be done manually, is also useful.
With the new digital press, Sethi said, he will also be able to cater to the local offset printing units for producing samples, book proofs and even packaging mock-ups.
Present at the inaugural event were two Ricoh officials, Anuj Gupta and Apoorva Gaur. According to them, “The market for the mid-range digital colour printers is growing well. Commercial printers are recognising that for a fraction of the price of an offset press they can have a full digital colour print system with inline finishing that is push button controlled and outputs finished product. And now with this new 5100S, they will have no qualms over quality.”