Share-to-Benefit forum looks at improving business through effective communication

BMPA’s Share-to-Benefit (StB) forum participated in a business communication and diversity program at its monthly meet held at the PrintWeek India's Pipal conference room.

08 Mar 2012 | By PrintWeek India

The session, conducted by Anand Upadyaya of Xperentia Consulting saw the StBians move ‘out of the operating environment’.

“The prerequisite for the effective functioning of an individual in a group environment is effectual communication. It is vital for an individual, as a leader to communicate in the absence of prejudices and stereotypes. Similar is the case for him as a listener,” said Upadyaya.

The simulators throughout the session aimed at grooming the decision making abilities and tracking the team efforts. The members were divided into groups and engaged in interactive games. “Leadership is an assortment of traits, strengths and weaknesses best conveyed through effective communication. The parameters involved include: putting across one's idea without prejudices, controlling emotional outbursts, pay heed to ideas and not the projected facts and most importantly,  listening to the person."  

With emphasis on experiential learning, the members were given a take away of the PDCA principle- plan, do, control and act.

Faheem Agboatwala considered the session to be the first of its kind for the StB forum, “Next time around, we intend to have the session for a larger audience.”

The next StB session will be presented by Animesh Kejriwal on 4 April at PrintWeek India's Pipal conference room.

The Share-to-Benefit forum is formed by key members of the Bombay Master Printers Association. If you are a reader or a member of any association, willing to start or understand how to initiate a StB in your region, you may contact