Share to Benefit forum: Siegwerk presentation on UV ink technology

The Share to Benefit (StB) forum of BMPA focussed on UV applications during an interactive session in PrintWeek India's Pipal conference room.

10 Aug 2011 | By PrintWeek India

Initiating the theme for the meet, Faheem Agboatwala, chairman of the forum, said: "UV curing and coating are a few of the technologies in ink that has come to the fore in India. Offset has maintained its position as a preferred print method but in commercial terms, profits depend on high productivity. And speed, here is the key. Most sheetfed and web offset presses run at high speed and solutions lie in both mechanical and chemical improvements, inks in this case."

Keeping this in mind, the forum invited Seigwerk to make a presentation on UV ink technology. John Hogget, sheetfed offset and UV radcure specialist at Siegwerk France, the presenter, stated the new technology has gained importance and has a place in the future. "It has a super colour consistency because it does not absorb ink into the substrate. Moreover it's transparent and stays on the surface, which means less colour variation between different colours of the substrate. The advantages are in lowered wastage and greater efficiency."

Certainly there are positives, but from the user’s point of view the technology also creates some problems. Hogget said: "Use of UV-based inks requires full knowledge of their chemistry. We use extremely high level of purity in our formulations. That is something that wasn’t paid heed to few years ago. We also empower our customers with sound technical knowledge of UV inks, including lamps and handling."

Siegwerk team circulated printed samples at the StB displaying the applications of UV inks from Seigwerk.

StB was conceptualised at the BMPA Print Summit, February 2007. The first meeting was held on 2 May 2007. Members of the forum meet on a monthly basis to explore training, technology and management upgradation.

The sessions are closed-door in which a range of subjects such as chemistry on the press, taxation, tackling truant customers, MIS solutions, etc are discussed.

The next StB session will be presented by Milap Shah on 'social media marketing'. It will be held on 7 September at PrintWeek India's Pipal conference room.

If you are a reader or a member of any association, willing to start or understand how to initiate a StB in your region, you may contact

Glimpses from the session

Previous StB sessions

Share to Benefit forum: Why and how to retain the right people

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