Special edition PrintWeek India Book of the Night to promote print
The PrintWeek India Book of the Night publication, to be released at the PrintWeek India Awards Night on 30 August, 2012 will be a 64-page special edition and the print run increased by 700%.
21 Aug 2012 | By PrintWeek India
The previous editions of the Book of the Night were limited edition, 36-pager booklets, with few copies going to print buyers. The new 64-page publication will, besides the announcement of Awards winners and commended print firms, contain features on segments of print business and technologies that recognise the power of print
The changes have been effected in a bid to help promote print as a medium.
Priya Iyer, national sales manager at Haymarket Media, said, "We are aware that print buyers and end customers use the publication as a reference point, pointing them in the direction of companies that are leading the way in all the categories of PrintWeek India Awards event."
"We are trying to spread the reach to get to a considerably wider audience," she added.
"By featuring more articles and dramatically increasing our print run, we hope to distribute thousands of more copies to this bigger audience."
The Book of the Night will be printed on speciality paper supplied by PrintWeek India paper partner, Garnett Papers, and will be printed by PrintWeek India Awards official print partner, Kala Jyothi.
If your print company’s name has been on the shortlist and you think your company may have won an award or more, and wish to use the Book of the Night as a powerful sales and marketing tool, you may write a mail to: priyaiyer@haymarket.co.in.
Limited number of copies will be available to print companies at a special cost on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Click here to view the PrintWeek India Awards 2012 Jury Day picture gallery