Trust building and Awareness seminars held in Ludhiana
Printing and packaging cluster of Ludhiana had recently organised a Trust building seminar followed by an Awareness seminar. These seminars are part of the series called ‘Soft Interventions”, conducted for the overall benefit of the printing and packaging entrepreneurs of Ludhiana. They are sanctioned under MSE-CDP by Development Commissioner, Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSME), Government of India, Department of Industries and Commerce, Offset Printers’ Association is the c
23 Apr 2013 | 3072 Views | By Mihir Joshi
Kamal Chopra, general secretary, Offset Printers’ Association delivered the welcome address during the trust building session, He gave an overview of the print cluster, common facility centre, its formation, working and its benefits to the Ludhiana’s print industry and printers of Ludhiana. He said, “This initiative helps people from the print fraternity in Ludhiana to stay ahead of the curve and tackle competition from international and large scale enterprises. We have also enlisted the support of Government of India and organised a visit to Pack Print International, Bangkok 27-31 August, 2013 for printers who wish to enhance their knowledge about the latest developments in the field, he informed that 50 per cent expenditure on this visit will be shared by the Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India.”
S S Dhilon, director, MSME spoke to the gathering at the Awareness seminar said, “The cluster development scheme is also one of the best schemes offered by the Ministry of MSME, Government of India, but Punjab has lagged behind other states to kick start industrial development through this scheme. I am sure, under the guidance of OPA, this cluster will be a great milestone in the history of printing press industry in Ludhiana. He welcomed the queries and questions from the entrepreneurs present and asked everyone to take small initiatives jointly like starting common purchase for raw materials and common testing labs etc.”
S Barinder Singh Nagi, key-note speaker for the trust building seminar informed the entrepreneurs about the various norms and regulations required to constitute a cluster. He shed light on benefits of working in a cluster through examples of associations from different industries which have already formed government approved clusters; today they are reaping the benefits of working with drastically reduced costs. He said, “Big achievements can be gained with small starts, cluster of Ludhiana started purchasing raw materials jointly and saved in crores. These are the small initiatives which can be taken even without forming a cluster and profits can be brought wisely.”
Many prominent members of the Ludhiana print industry were present at the seminar.