Uchitha in Mumbai marks high success following VioStar platesetter buy

Ten months after installing a new VioStar FA8 platesetter from TechNova and bringing pre-press facility in-house, Mumbai-based Uchitha Graphic Printers, is "pleased with the progress it has been making with every printed job" that uses this violet technology..

21 Dec 2010 | 2350 Views | By PrintWeek India

"The response to the quality of our products has been positive from our customers, which include corporates, publishers and host of others," said Manohar Prabhu, managing director at Uchitha.

Uchitha specialises in commercial jobs, magazines and book printing besides jobs involving numbering and online bar coding. The firm has seen a systematic growth over the last five years, with two units boasting of a wide range of presses in all sizes that include multi-colour sheetfed presses from Heidelberg and Komori and post-press facility.

Prior to the installation of the VioStar, Uchitha outsourced its plate requirement from local CTP bureaus. "We were always uncomfortable with that, as platemaking was the only activity that we were outsourcing," said Prabhu.

A year ago, when Uchitha decided to invest in a CTP system to meet the increased demand for quality jobs and enhance productive, it opted for violet technology, as it found that violet technology was ideal for their operation.

Prabhu said: "Most of our jobs had print runs of 50,000 plus and some even went as far as a lakh and a half; and using outsourced thermal plates, we had to add an extra step of baking the plates to achieve the required run-length. Violet technology did not need that extra step of baking."

Having decided on the technology, the firm ordered for the CTP system from TechNova. "We share an excellent relationship with TechNova, having used its analog plates and chemicals for several years."

The 8-up platesetter now allows them to image up to 20 plates per hour. "This is a critical aspect; it ensures that our productivity remains optimum and we do not lose any time on plate preparation," concluded Prabhu.

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