Vistaprint, the online print store, has launched a series of four spots which has been released on TV channels and YouTube.
The four films whose links were shared with the PrintWeek India team by Nilesh Parwani the MD at Vistaprint highlight the unorganised, fragmented, shoddy and shabby, chalta hai attitude of the neighbourhood local printer. The main aim, said Parwani, is building “a print brand.”
The films, tongue in cheek and youthful stem from Parwani’s own six degrees of separation from print as a buyer. A decade ago, Parwani had penned two books on Excel Modelling. He wanted to print a few copies. He sought the printers at Shah and Nahar print estate in Mumbai and that’s when he realised the ordeal to print “a small job”. He says, “I realised that a basic service such as printing which every common man requires was not available.” He decided to master the art of printing technology.
Parwani said, “It was a blessing in disguise to come from a non-print background. I learnt the hard way about the printing technologies; be it printing machines and creating the ideal colour.” Printbell was conceptualised around late 2007. He said, “The experience helped me in building the engine for our online printing business.”