Welbound Worldwide desires to change book model during PrintPack 2019

Book movement to begin at PrintPack and march across India

23 Jan 2019 | 4870 Views | By PrintWeek India

The Henkel-Welbound Book Days will be a specialised gathering of book publishers and printers, who will explore the best new ideas for innovation and growth. Enabled by Henkel and Welbound, the events hosted at PrintPack 2019 will be practical and collaborative. The aim is to tap into the renewed optimism in the book sector with publishers, printers and designers. The latest theme – Growth For All – is all about the book's potential to transform the publishing world and drive new growth. This will mark the beginning of a series of activities and events through the year to celebrate Books For All, that will take transpire in important book hubs across India.

"Books for All is an attempt to build a much more unified structure," Pallippuram Sajith, director of Welbound Worldwide P Ltd says.

"Some say the book industry and book publishing structure is fragmented and in a world where clients want faster, better, cheaper executions. We want a book print firm to ensure it is possible."

Team Welbound's aim through Book Days - Books for All is to re-kindle the joy of the printed books and drum support in its mission to provide "faster, better, cheaper" books for publishers and readers. This will be possible through three weapons in Welbound's ever-growing armoury: technical knowledge; respect for content and how to organise it in the best possible manner; and above all, unite the creative and production functions in a way that hasn’t been done for decades.

Sajith says, "People expect relevance these days. And so, you must speak to each person in the shopfloor or on the editorial desk in a unique way. During PrintPack we will create a special booth wherein users can have success to simpler versions of techs-specs and tech-kit. Plus we are creating chat-points which can relate to everyone from industry veterans to millenials."

Each and every day at the PrintPack show will see ...

- Book about Book Days: A souvenir that celebrates past 20 years of Indian book printing, book awards plus the plans for the year. The plans include: special events for printers and publishers in their cities and localities

- The launch of E-utilities: Apps that will help you resolve issues, train team members and address customer requirements

- Facebook Live: Book interviews with leading book printers which will be conducted by the PrintWeek India


Welbound Worldwide is bullish about books. And along with the thousands of book print factories across India, the company is "excited" about helping clients and harnessing a robust ecosystem plus that create a labour force that knows how to produce the best books at the lowest cost.

Welbound will unveil seven knowledge-sharing projects from 1 to 6 February

1. A quick introduction to the mobile book testing lab - that can be set up easily at any place

2. The importance of fundamentals. Emphasise the quality and cost-effectiveness of binding which starts and ends with planning. How to build strong books, more cost effectively

3. Meet the book specialists. Confabulate with India's top brains in book manufacturing planning, bookbinding, adhesives, machines and maintenance

4. Prize-winning contest - Guess what! - Grain direction, GSM, Page Pull Value, Adhesive coat layer and a lot more

5. Practical workshops to grasp the relationship between paper, bookbinding machine, adhesives and the quality of binding. Be ready to be surprised 

6. New Gen Smart machines that will communicate with you and boost your productivity

7. What do you want to know about book printing: Answer the questionnaire completed that will provide you with all relevant information and also help us build a service platform that will answer your questions - real time, at the touch or swipe on a smartphone

Please contact sajith@welbound.com to know more.

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