Women in print: Daya Joshi
Daya Joshi is the owner of DD Enterprises. The company produces wedding albums, visiting cards as well as catalogues.
14 Dec 2017 | By PrintWeek India
Why did you get into the printing industry?
When we moved back to Lucknow from Mumbai (in 2009), we were looking out for new business opportunities. The evolving printing technologies as a means to support businesses piqued our interest and that’s how we got into this.
What would be your dream job?
This is my dream job.
What is your favourite film?
One most valuable work lesson
There is no substitute for hard work.
One tip for time management
Make a to-do list and stick to it.
One key tip for good health
Early to bed and early to rise.
Most useful app?
Koolest vacation spot?
Any place with my children and family.
A really nice print job or magazine cover while travelling
A magazine called Kinfolk.
Simple health care or green advise
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
A secret for anger management…
Deep breathing.
Your tip to resolve conflicts…
Open conversations and admitting to one’s mistake.
Life is…?
Enthralling and beautiful.