Imported food is safe from Covid-19, says FSSAI

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has informed that the food imported into India is safe for human consumption amidst the Covid-19 pandemic.

28 Mar 2020 | 824 Views | By WhatPackaging? Team

To address the concerns raised regarding safety of such foods, FSSAI had constituted a committee of experts to examine the possibilities of presence of coronavirus in imported food items. In its report, the committee opined that as of now there is no conclusive evidence for the food borne transmission of the disease as the virus predominantly affects the respiratory system and spreads from human to human via droplets while sneezing, coughing, contaminated hands and surfaces.

The committee agreed with the advisories of global organisations that the predominant routes of transmission of the virus appears to be human to human. And it also clarified that meat from cooked livestock including poultry is safe to eat.

As a precautionary measure, the committee advised to avoid consumption of raw or undercooked meat as well as unprocessed food products. “Frozen food items must be consumed only after cooking them properly. Good hygienic practices must be followed before consuming raw fruits and vegetables, “said a FSSAI official.

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